Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Now We Know How

Now We Know How

It seems that Surrey & Sussex Health care trust has paid KPMG £700,000 to help them figure out how to deal with their £40.9  million deficit. Considering they’ve spent this money since January one has very little difficulty in figuring out how the highly-paid executives and managers got the trust into this mess in the first place.

What wonderful, innovative and imaginative strategies did these over-paid consultants come up with?

Fire 400 of your staff to save money.

Genius! I wonder how many microseconds it took them to come up with that stroke of inspiration. I mean it’s not as if that’s a solution they’ve ever used before, is it? I really have to give up the theatre and become a consultant.

Apart from anything else, isn’t it the managers’ responsibility to run the place efficiently and prudently? I can just imagine how long any one of the staff keeping their jobs would last if they went to these managers and said, “Excuse me, sir, but I seem to be unable to do my job properly, so I was wondering if it might be possible to hire a consultant to come in and do it for me? Yes, sir, I do realise this will be cripplingly expensive but I do believe that it will represent exceedingly good value.”

You can stick in your own Alan Sugar quote to end the conversation.

Having done exactly that how many of these executive dimwits are amongst the 400 losing their jobs?

Aye, right.

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