Monday, September 25, 2006



Tony, Dubya and all their pals on the side of Might=Right keep telling us that Iraq and her people are better off since they removed Saddam Hussein. People trying to make a fool of anti-war campaigners keep telling us that, especially regime change for the benefit of Iraqis has become their justification for going in there since they admitted there never were any WMD. According t them we're spreading democracy and freedom and the Iraqi people are grateful to us, that things are getting better all the time.

Manfred Nowak, UN's chief anti-torture expert, would beg to differ. According to his report things there are now far worse than they ever were under Saddam. According to him, things are now completely out of control in that beleaguered country. Bodies in the Baghdad morgue frequently show signs of severe torture. Who's responsible for this?

Local militia, insurgents and the security forces.

At least in Saddam's day they knew who they had to watch out for. Now it seems that anyone could head into their homes in the middle of the night, take them away and pull out their nails & teeth.

Which part of this sorry mess has improved these peoples' lives?

And in a timely addendum, the US Security services have reported that The War on Terror has made America (never mind the rest of us) less safe. We all knew that, but I’ll be interested to see how George & the rest of the NeoCons spin this one out. I also discovered that the US apparently has sixteen spy services. What do they need so many for?

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