Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Still waiting

No sign of the baby yet.

Fortunately the senior midwfe came into our 'consultant' appointment today & stopped the Student from giving Abby a Membrane Sweep. Essentially, they swirl a finger around the neck of the womb in the hope that it mixes up some hormones and stimulates labour. Except that you're only supposed to do it if the baby's head's engaged. Doing it now could have encouraged a breach birth.

Also, there's no sign of a start-date for the library, either. I'm getting rather pissed off now, especially having been summoned to fill in forms for an 'accelerated start'. Seems they can't do anything until they receive a copy of my new Disclosure form. I've had mine for a fortnight, so I don't know what's happened to theirs!

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