Saturday, January 07, 2006

Train Etiquette

Train Etiquette

I reckon that the audition went well and I've even managed to get back to the station early enough to beat the proscription on cheap-day return tickets from Edinburgh. As it happens, the train I'm on has been delayed from about an hour ago and it's absolutely stowed.

Yet the number of people trying to hog double seats is amazing. As is the number of people who will stand for an hour rather than ask any of these selfish morons to move themselves or their luggage. Being an awkward sod, I have no such compunctions and you should have seen the look I got from the business-type hoping that the old broadsheet trick would guarantee him all the space on this side of the table.

Actually, whilst I was sitting looking at the blank screen trying to think of something to write, his antics with the paper inspired this little diatribe. Since sitting, and whilst setting up the Axim and keyboard to write on, I've been shouldered, bumped and huffed at as he tried to dominate the now-shared space. When it became clear that I wasn't to be squeezed into the corner he then tried leaning across the table and the poor lady opposite practically got the top of the broadsheeet up her nose as his territorial expansion efforts shifted from the lateral to the forward. When that didn't work he leant out into the aisle.

It really has been quite funny and, in its way, identical to any ned trying to control those around him and intimidate them by intruding upon their personal space. Society looks upon the ned as some sort of anti-social delinquent with no idea of how to behave in public. They're brought up that way; noone teaches them any manners.

What's the excuse of the business-types etc who, despite the thirty-odd people standing in this carriage, are still hogging a seat for themselves and one for their luggage?

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